How Do Birds Stay Warm During Winter?

Many birds don't fly south during winter, like woodpeckers, cardinals, and chickadees. So how do they stay warm during winter? These birds often find a...

It’s Just Been Discovered That Dolphins Name Each Other

We have already established that dolphins are extremely intelligent and have close social relationships with each other, but a new exciting discovery has just...

Differences Between Slugs and Snails

Many people believe snails and slugs are the same species, though it's pretty obvious they are not. Slugs and snails actually both belong to the...

Chimpanzees Sometimes Drink Alcohol in the Wild

A group of apes who love to have a drink together has been discovered. This revelation might finally give us the answer as to...

Did You Know That Reindeer Eyes Turn Blue in the Winter?

Scientists have found that reindeer's eyes can change color with seasonal changes. The back of their eyeballs are gold in the summer but change...

Pigeons Are Actually Able to Learn Math

Science is constantly letting us know that some animals are more intelligent than we thought. For example, did you know that pigeons are capable...

Did You Know That Dogs Share Emotions with Their Owners?

It's a well-known fact that dogs and their owners have a deep connection, to the point that sometimes they start to look like each...

Things You Didn’t Know About the Norwegian Lundehund Dog

Norwegian Ludenhund is the only dog breed that has six toes. If that's not fascinating enough, here are some more fun facts about this...

Here’s Why Your Dog Yawns

You have probably noticed that your dog yawns nearly as often as you do, but what does that mean in their language? Is he...

This is the Smallest Monkey in the World

In the South American rainforests of western Amazon Basin lives a special species of monkeys - Pygmy Marmoset, the smallest monkey in the world. It...

