
These Fun Facts Will Change Your Opinion About Spiders

We know what most of you think: “How can anything about spiders be fun?" Despite their unsettling reputation, spiders are actually not all that...

5 Fun Facts You Probably Didn’t Know About Tarantulas

Tarantulas are one of the most fascinating spider species on the planet, but most people avoid them at all costs. If you’re able to...
Ant with food

Fun Facts About Ants You Probably Didn’t Know

Ants are remarkable insects that we all admire for their hard-working approach, perseverance, and loyalty. But you would be surprised how many things about...

Beth Hoyes is Celebrating Butterflies Through the Power of Embroidery

Butterflies have been fascinating artists for centuries, and Beth Hoyes couldn’t resist their charm. The talented embroidery artist from the UK is using her...

Top 4 Differences Between Butterflies and Moths

Butterflies and moths don’t just look similar. The two also belong to the same order of Lepidoptera and play a significant role in nature...

Scientists Propose a New Theory on Why Insects Are Attracted to Light

Most nocturnal insects are strangely attracted by the light. You can witness this on any warm night by looking at the street lamps and...

Bart Coppens Will Change the Way You Look at Moths and Butterflies

Bart Coppens has been fascinated with insects for as long as he can remember, and his obsessions never really faded away. He managed to...

Fun Facts About Grasshoppers You Probably Didn’t Know

Grasshoppers are hardly anyone’s favorite insects. They look kind of scary, produce annoying sounds, and can damage large amounts of crops in no time....

Märta Mattsson is Celebrating Insects Through Her Art and Jewelry

Most people struggle to see the beauty in insects and avoid them at all costs, but Märta Mattsson isn’t one of them. The Swedish...

Common Myths and Superstitions About Ladybugs

Ladybugs have been around for centuries, and they did a great job capturing the imagination of people all around the world. It’s not a...

