Facts About Lovebirds

Lovebirds, a species of parrot, are affectionate and love living in pairs, but they don’t really mind being on their own either. The famous...

Tyler and His Duck Beaker Have Been Besties For Years

Tyler and his duck Beaker are soulmates, they have been together since Tyler was a baby boy. https://www.instagram.com/p/BsS2YVnla03/ “They’ve just kind of grown up, done everything together,...

Why Don’t Penguins Feet Freeze?

Imagine if you lived in Antarctica and had to stand barefoot on the ice all day, every day. How long would it be before...

Artist Creates Amazing Paintings Inspired by Birds

Saara Katariina Söderlund is a freelance illustrator and graphic designer from Finland who absolutely adores birds. All of her gouache paintings are inspired by these fascinating and...

Unusual Friendship Between an Alaskan Malamute and a Parrot

Dogs are a man's best friend, but they can also be amazing friends with other animals as well. We always love to hear stories...

Gorgeous Bird Brooches by Paulina Bartnik

Poland based artist Paulina Bartnik tuned her long time hobby into a job and now she’s creating incredibly beautiful and intricate bird brooches using embroidery. https://www.instagram.com/p/BbWzHPmFSP8/?utm_source=ig_embed Bartnik finished art...

What’s it Like to Train Falcons For a Living?

Have you ever heard of falconry or wondered what’s it like to train falcons and other birds for a living? Falconry is the ancient art...

These are Some of the Biggest Birds in the World

Birds come in many shapes and sizes, and some of them are terrifyingly big. Some birds are way bigger than us. We've compiled a...

Artist Creates Paper Birds to Raise Awareness About Endangered Species

Niharika Rajput is a talented artist who creates intricate and life-like birds with the mission of spreading awareness of endangered species around the world....

Meet Bello: The Trilingual Parrot That Sings Opera Music

Thanks to his singing talent, Bello The Amazon became a real internet sensation. He's a cage-free, potty-trained, trilingual parrot who likes opera a lot,...

