Polar Bear Plays Volleyball With Zookeepers

A polar bear named Khaarchaana (Snowflake), resident of St. Petersburg's Leningrad Zoo, recently found a perfect way to entertain herself while the zoo remains closed to the...

Oxpeckers Might Be Helping Rhinos Avoid Poachers According to a New Study

The symbiotic relationship between red-billed oxpeckers and rhinos in Sub-Saharan Africa is well documented. Oxpeckers are usually found resting on rhino's backs, helping the giant to...

San Antonio Zoo Offering a One-Of-A-Kind Drive-Thru Experience

Drive-thru establishments have been around almost as long as cars. But these types of services were usually reserved for theaters, food chains, and pharmacies. Well, at...

Brave Toddler Enjoys Playing With Hyenas

Hyenas are usually considered as very dangerous animals, but it turns out that they can be really adorable and playful. Well, at least with kids around....

Five Slowest Animals in the World

Sure, most of us probably know plenty about the fastest animals in the world, but what about their opposites? When asked about the slowest animal...

You Can Now Include Adorable Farm Animals In Your Video Calls

Due to coronavirus pandemic, most people are forced to communicate via video calls. And while they get the job done, they can also get...

Man Builds a Small Restaurant For Wild Animals in His Backyard

Detroit-native James Vreeland recently decided to bring fine dining to the wildlife in his neighborhood.  He built an outdoor restaurant in his backyard that provides meals...

Heather Lara Creates Animal Portraits Using Scratchboard Technique

Heather Lara is a California-based artist who creates amazingly realistic animal paintings that every animal lover would like to have on their wall. Lara uses a...

This Funny WebComic Tells Daily Life Stories of Cute Animals

Illustrator Chow Hon Lam recently decided to invest the extra time she had on her hands to start an interesting new project. Lam created...

Koalas Injured in Australian Bushfires are Returning to the Wild

Great news, everybody! Koalas that have been injured during the bushfires in Australia in late 2019 are recovering and begin returning to the wild. Port Macquarie Koala...

