Heather Lara Creates Animal Portraits Using Scratchboard Technique

Heather Lara is a California-based artist who creates amazingly realistic animal paintings that every animal lover would like to have on their wall. Lara uses a...

This Funny WebComic Tells Daily Life Stories of Cute Animals

Illustrator Chow Hon Lam recently decided to invest the extra time she had on her hands to start an interesting new project. Lam created...

Koalas Injured in Australian Bushfires are Returning to the Wild

Great news, everybody! Koalas that have been injured during the bushfires in Australia in late 2019 are recovering and begin returning to the wild. Port Macquarie Koala...

Playful Fox Steals Woman’s Phone, Makes a Run For It

Foxes are highly energetic and playful animals that are always in the mood for shenanigans. They often don't mean harm, but just want to have some...

Miami Zoo Welcomes Two Kittens of a Highly Endangered Clouded Leopard

Miami Zoo recently announced some great news on their social media that will definitely brighten up your day. Last week, the Zoo welcomed two...

Pianist Plays Classical Music For Old and Sick Elephants in Thailand

Paul Barton is a trained concert pianist whose audience is a bit different than you would expect. Instead of playing Bach and Chopin for well-dressed aristocrats,...

Indian Couple Buys Land Close to Tiger Reserve to Expand the Big Cat’s Habitat

Back in 1998, Indian photographer Aditya Singh and his wife Poonam Singh decided to leave their home in the country's capital New Delhi and settle in...

Watch How a Grizzly Bear Wakes Up After a Long Winter Sleep

A grizzly bear named Boo, a resident of Kicking Horse Mountain Resort in Golden, Canada recently finished his four-month winter sleep, and his caregiver...

Goats Take over the Streets of Small Town In North Wales

The citizens of Llandudno, a small coastal town in north Wales, have decided not to take any chances regarding the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. They are respecting the...

Watch How Orangutan Creates an Umbrella Hat to Stay Dry During Rain

We already know that orangutans can be pretty smart. They are capable of learning how to use tools and improvise. One recent video from...

