Check Out These Birds Made From Polymer Clay

Terry James Cook is inspired by birds, he uses polymer clay to create adorable and colorful mini sculptures of different types of birds. When describing...

Two Seagulls Keep Showing up on London Traffic Cameras And People Are Loving Them

Traffic reports have never been more interesting than a couple of weeks ago when two special reporters appeared in front of traffic cameras in...

This Girl Trained Her Bird to Attack People She Screams At

Birds can make great pets, if you give them a lot of love, affection and socialization. They’re adorable, funny and intelligent animals that can be wonderful...

The Colorful Life of Harley The Cockatoo

One of the most popular cockatoos on Instagram is Harley, a female umbrella cockatoo who lives with her human parents Jos and Anja in...

Photographer Captures A Perfectly Symmetrical Reflection Of A Bald Eagle

Wildlife photographer Steve Biro is in constant awe at how birds behave in the wild. He’s been photographing them for the past ten years,...

These Low-Maintenance Birds Make Great Pets

Just like any other animal, birds need a lot of care and love. However, there are some species that are easier to care for than others....

Check These Stunning Photos of Owls Out

Owls are magical, nocturnal creatures that have beautiful colorful feathers, huge eyes and adorable faces. Did you know that there are 216 species of...

Jack the Cockatiel is the Most Adorable Bird on Instagram

Birds can be the perfect companion – they are not only beautiful, but they are also an extremely beautiful and intelligent species. Jack, the...

This Baby Duck Was Raised By An Owl

Earlier this month, artist and photographer Laurie Wolf found a rather unusual scene in her backyard in Jupiter, Florida. In one of the birdhouses that she...

Family Receives Gifts From Crows, After Feeding Them For a Few Years

Stuart Dahlquis is a bird enthusiast from Seattle who has been in love with these creatures his entire life. Recently, a family of crows managed...

