Rare Cheese-Like Yellow Albino Indian Flapshell Turtle Discovered in India

It turns out that turtles don't always have to be green or gray. Surprisingly, they can also be yellow! One farmer in India recently discovered...

Giant Animals You Won’t Believe Actually Exist

The animal kingdom is one that often can amaze or charm us in so many magical ways. Whether it’s the cuteness of a puppy...

Adorable Viral Video Shows Group of Capybaras Munching on a Giant Pumpkin

How can you make a group of capybaras happy? Well, if we are to judge by a recent viral video shared by Nagasaki Biopark,...

Viral Video Reveals Amazing Way Giraffes Eat Grass

When we think of giraffes, we usually picture them snacking on tree leaves. But these gentle giants also like to munch on grass, and...

Craftsman Builds Steampunk Figurines of Animals Using Discarded Items

Russian craftsman Igor Verniy found the perfect way to combine his love for animals and passion for building things. He takes discarded items like...

43-Year-Old Man Figures Out How to Social Distance with Squirrels in the Most Sensational...

After being stuck at home for days straight during the intense lockdown, people start to look at the world differently. You start to notice...

A Gift Brand Dedicated to Animals? Count Us In!

Chances are you've come across a Susie Ghahremani illustration without even knowing it. An award-winning illustrator and exhibiting artist, Ghahremani is also the designer...

Children’s Book Author Dedicates Her Work to Animals

Katrin Wiehle's illustrations are in many ways a continuation of her childhood. "I grew up in the countryside, in a tiny village in the...

3 Adorable Penguins Get a Private Art Museum Tour

A few months ago, three cute penguins got a unique chance to spend a day in the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art. Bubbles (5), Maggie...

Add Some Whimsical Critters to Your Instagram Feed

Illustrator and graphic designer, Nina Stajner, admits that if she wasn't making her living through art she would probably be a pet bunny breeder...

