Couple Builds an Adorable House for a Fat Billy, a Stray Cat

Living on the street, stray cats have a few tricks up their sleeve that help them survive winter. However, it doesn’t hurt to give...

Bernard Henry’s Birds Have the Most Impressive Hat Collection

With a massive following of around a million people on both Instagram and TikTok, Bernard Henry is definitely one of the most popular bird...
Dog with watermelon

5 Human Foods Your Dog Can Safely Eat

We already told you about the human foods your dog shouldn’t eat. But you’ll be happy to hear that there are plenty of human...

This Instagram Dog Has a Better Taste in Music Than You

If you love music and dogs in equal measure, we’re bringing you a brilliant Instagram page that mixes two of your biggest passions into...

Alura Cora of Big Talons is Taking Great Care of Her Owl Michael

Having an owl as a pet is pretty much mission impossible and requires a special set of skills, but one woman is making it...

Debra Bernier is Transforming Driftwood Into Stunning Sculptures

Washed ashore by oceans, seas, and rivers, driftwood often hides a beauty that most people tend to overlook… but not Debra Bernier. The mastermind...

Elizabeth Burnard is Taking Instagram by Storm With Her Insect Art

Art has the power to shed new light on things people often find scary and off-putting, and insects are a case in point. Elizabeth...

Cheyenne Acero Glass is Living Her Best Life With Her Black Dragon Lizards

Asian water monitors are one of the world’s largest lizard species, and they’re commonly known as black dragons. Having them as pets is not...

Thai Dog Amira is Living Her Best Life After Walking on Two Legs for...

Many rescue dogs go on a wild journey before finding their way to loving and caring owners, and that’s certainly the case with Amira....

Potato the Persian Takes Cats’ Love for Cardboard Boxes to New Heights

It’s no secret that cats are obsessed with cardboard boxes, but one adorable feline took things to a whole new level. Potato the Persian’s...

Nikita Drachuk is Capturing the Beauty of Octopuses Through His Glass Art

Octopuses are one of the most fascinating marine animals, but what if we told you that you could have one at home… well, kind...

You Have to Watch This Video of a Vulture Hitching a Ride With a...

Vultures are expert flyers, who can soar and glide for great distances, but even they need a break from time to time. That was...