Bao the Chihuahua is a Fashion Influencer Who Likes Traveling

The role of fashion influencers is usually reserved for humans, but one dog is showing that animals can successfully do this as well. Bao...

Viral Sensation Rocket the Iguana is Actually a Dog at Heart

Most people would pick dogs over iguanas, but what if we told you if you could have both in a single pet? Rocket the...

Snorkeler Records Moment When She Received a Big Hug from a Manatee

Manatees are friendly and curious sea creatures who like being around humans. Sometimes, they can even get affectionate, as snorkeler Kendra Nicole recently discovered. Nicole...

Bear Crashes a Barbecue, Eats All the Burgers, and Washes Them Down with Diet...

When cooking burgers on the outside grill, it is really important not to leave them unattended. Otherwise, they might burn, or a bear might...
Pigs on couch

Funny Video Show Three Pigs Trying to Fit on a Single Couch With Their...

Life with Pigs Farm Animal Sanctuary in Williamsburg, Virginia, helps farm animals in need and gives them a forever home. In return, those farm animals...

Fun Facts About Snails You Probably Didn’t Know

Snails might be small and slow, but that doesn’t mean they should be ignored. They are important for the environment due to their role...

Woman Built a Doggy Train to Take Disabled Rescue Dogs Can on Adventures

Because of their disabilities, some dogs are unable to run around and enjoy the outdoors like their healthy counterparts. Fortunately, there are animal activists...

Why Are Storks Seen as a Symbol of Fertility and Childbirth?

There are many symbolic meanings associated with different types of birds, and storks are no exception. They’re often associated with childbirth and shown delivering...

Claire Lowrie is Inviting You Inside Her Jungle Haven

If you’re at the very start of your houseplant journey and need someone to nudge you in the right direction, ‌Claire Lowrie is just...

Ruby Welstead’s Pet Portraits Look as Amazing as the Real Thing

We live in a day and age when anyone can easily snap a photo of their beloved pet on their phone, but beautifully painted...

5 Fun Facts That Will Change the Way You Look at Komodo Dragons

Komodo dragons are the largest lizard species on Earth, and they’ve been captivating reptile lovers for centuries. If you’re in the mood to learn...

Katarina Tifft’s Coastal Art Will Take You Under the Sea

There’s something incredibly nostalgic and magical about collecting seashells on the beach, and Katarina Tifft managed to elevate it to an art form. She...